
Raushel Bryan

Raushel Bryan is the left one.

Raushel bryan

She is the right one.

Raushel Bryan 

She is the right one.

Raushel Bryan

跟她認識時 那年我才22歲 她才14歲 我們一起生活一個禮拜 ...............

22歲那年 因為工作的關係 我到美國一個月 我們去了美中 (芝加哥 聖路易) "美語夏令營" 所以台灣的學生學英文 美國的學生 跟我和我美國老闆學中文

那個月 也是我人生中 one of my highlight.............如果你們看過 琳賽羅涵"天生一對" 我們當時的夏令營生活就是那樣 住在小木屋 早上學習語言 下午 就從事戶外活動 '攀爬 泛舟 山洞探險 製作蠟燭 釣魚......."

第一個禮拜 只有五個美國學生 (他們幾乎都是國中生) 只有一個女生 她就是Raushel Bryan

真是太開心 可以跟她聯絡上 我這些年來 常常想到這五位讓我超級開心 美國小朋友 ( 呵呵 現在他們都24 OR 25囉) 沒想到可以跟她聯絡上 真是上帝給我最好的禮物

沒想到 妳也是會想到我 這讓我好開心喔  我一直以為只有自己 還記得當初的這一切 ^_^


" Oh my gosh!!! How are you!!!!???? I just thought about you like 5 min ago i have a picture of you and theresa, the little fan you gave me and ur last post card on my bulletin board that hangs in my room with all my family pictures and they have always been up there;) wow im still so stunned you found me but so happy i miss you two lots, i wanted to write you but wasnt sure if that address was ok. Aussie? That sounds amazing!

i just recently graduated cosmetology school for hair and make up. I lived in chicago while attending, it was a great experience but am happy to be back home near my family

I know how you feel i cant wait to tell my family, im still a bit suprised;)
Your sister sounds like she knows what shes doin, london is a great opportunity.

You and theresa were my buddies at that camp, i had gotten so home sick at times but you two help so much. This is such a great christmas present;) " From Raushel Bryan....


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